Employees can occasionally procrastinate. Unfortunate, but true.
The agents employed by a quality answering service simply do not have that luxury.
In fact, the most important thing to remember if you are considering hiring an answering service, is that the team is only compensated when actively working on your behalf – and attending to your residents.
As a property manager, you know more than most that time is money. Your residents and buildings have immediate needs that cannot wait, which means other concerns such as paperwork, follow-up calls, and appointment scheduling can often get pushed to the wayside as you work to protect your business.
Hiring a premier answering service can help you address those important tasks that would otherwise be pushed off until tomorrow.
• Get organized the easy way: Which is to say, have someone else do it entirely. When you hire an answering service to serve as your virtual receptionist, not only will you not have to worry about answering phones and taking a message for anyone, but you will never have to find a piece of paper, or a pen, or a post-it, or datebook, or calendar, or even glance at your rolodex. And you will never have to catalogue that mound of scraps, napkins, and old receipts cluttering up your desk with illegible gibberish scrawled all over them. Your messages will be filed, organized, and ready for your review online whenever you need them.
• Return that important call: Try as you may, a property manager cannot be in three different places at four different times (or vice-versa… you get the point). Resident and property needs are needs, 24-hours a day, regardless of where you happen to be. An around the clock answering service will ensure that appointments are scheduled, questions and concerns are addressed, and the correct on-call personnel are alerted and dispatched to any emergency situations. Most importantly, all important calls are answered and addressed, at any time of day, and forwarded to your office in accordance with protocols you establish.
Time is at a premium and competition is fierce for property managers, particularly now. Hiring additional staff is hardly cost effective and can add needless hours to your schedule. Focus Answering Service’s customized solutions can help your business free up resources and get back on track. Find out how by calling us at 800-886-6696 or request a free quote today.