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property management answering solutions

Eliminate Hiring Hassles with Property Management Solutions

Property Management

February 25, 2020

Few employers in any industry – let alone property management – embrace the hiring process with open arms. It’s a necessary evil. A long, arduous, time and money-consuming ordeal. And there is no guarantee that the new employee you welcome into the fold is going to be a good fit. It’s disheartening.

Property management answering solutions, on the other hand are designed to facilitate your success and satisfaction. An answering service can help your property management agency eliminate the following hiring hassles:

  • The Hiring Process: Advertising, interviewing, and whittling your choices down to a manageable contingent of applicants not only carries its own distinct costs but consumes an inordinate amount of crucial time that property managers simply do not have. Then consider the onboarding, where the real process begins – acclimating a new hire to the culture already established by the rest of your team. Property management answering solutions can eliminate all of these hassles. When you hire a telephone answering service that specializes in caring for the property management industry, and those that serve them, knowledgeable agents are ready for their job from the word “go.” No training. No probationary period. Just results.
  • The Pay Stub: We’ve mentioned the price tag associated with new hires in previous blogs. Property managers can count on a full-time administrative employee costing the company around $30K annually – and that’s on the low end of the spectrum. When you consider the time over the course of a year that is spent on personal conversations, busywork, restroom breaks, web surfing, and more – the true cost of an employee raises astronomically.
  • The Work Ethic: It’s just about impossible for an employee to spend every hour of a 40-hour work week strictly on work. Now consider the more severe employee-related problems, such as ongoing tardiness, lack of professionalism, poor customer service habits, and overall indifference, and your property management agency could take a significant hit. By turning to property management answering solutions you can mitigate this missed time and potential misconduct.
  • The Benefits Conundrum: Paid time off is one colossal consideration attached to any long-term hire, from sick leave to vacation time and beyond. Let’s face it: phones cannot be answered if employees are not present, necessitating other employees to leave their work to answer phones. Additionally, there are recurring monthly expenses mandated with each and every paycheck you cut, including:
    • Social Security
    • Unemployment Insurance
    • Healthcare
    • Life and/or Disability Coverage
    • Pensions and 401Ks
    • And More

So, what’s the answer? Property management answering solutions like Focus Telecommunications, may be a step in the right direction.

Our team is paid only when we are actively working on your behalf.  As a property manager with multiple residents and buildings to attend to, that ultimately means money and time saved. It means you never have to pay for a full-time employee watching the clock or twiddling their thumbs while they wait for the phone to ring. It means no sick or personal days to cover for and no vacation time to approve. It means you never have to worry about an employee quitting without notice leaving you and your entire team in the lurch.

Whether you have a single apartment complex or hundreds of units to manage, Focus Telecommunications can answer for you. Call us today at 1-800-886-6696 or request a quote online.