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Meet Growing Property Management Demands with a Professional Customer Care Team

Case Study, Property Management

August 21, 2020

A few months back, property managers had to make immediate and significant changes to the way they did business and engaged with residents. Safety procedures were augmented, remote working was instituted for appropriate staff members, and the term “emergency” expanded to include new meaning.

Five months hence, people are once again ready to move, and they’re ready to move quickly. Your customer service helps determine whether they move into your buildings – or prepare to move out. Many property managers are choosing to remain positive, embrace their strengths, and put their best foot forward. By enlisting the services of a professional customer care team, the future can be brighter than ever before.

Here are some ways such teams can help you meet growing property management demands in the coming months:

  • Helping to reduce turnover and boosting occupancy: Making residents comfortable, content, and heard has never been more critical to a business’s success and staying power. Level-headed listeners and problem-solvers will excel, and knowledgeable customer service will protect your property management reputation, preventing reliable renters from straying and attracting new residents thanks to a positive word of mouth.
  • Offering continuous customer service: After-hours emergencies and maintenance calls from residents are inevitable, but around the clock answering solutions ensure that your phones and properties are covered at all times, and that the people who fund your paycheck are never sent to voicemail.
  • Solving problems before they happen: From meticulous dispatch procedures that ensure the right on-calls are contacted at the right time to eliminating the risk and lost revenue associated with a bad hire, a professional customer care team can help property managers head off financially devastating and/or litigious
  • Harnessing technology for the times: Email and text messaging services have consistently helped to expedite property management tasks, while eliminating confusion, and will likely be even more welcome, in the early days of a post-pandemic world.


A professional customer care team puts your most important asset – your residents, and their experience with you – first. By handling incoming calls with punctuality and precision, you will not only keep your head above water as the world readjusts, but you will swim laps around your competitors.

Focus Telecommunications can help. Call us at 800-886-6696 or request a quote online.