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Nine Tips for Disaster Preparedness


September 27, 2017

Disaster preparedness is very important because we don’t always get sufficient warning of potentially disastrous weather or conditions so it pays to get in the habit of having some backup systems in place at all times – So you know things will be there when you need them.

Step 1 – Keep some cash in the house. Your rainy-day fund may help provide true help when rain is at its ugliest. Credit cards become useless when there is a power outage

Step 2 – Install “Puck” lights in strategic places throughout your house (a good location, where kids can’t play with them, is high on doors). These LED lights just need to be pressed to provide light. Also, keep LED flashlights in several places where they can be easily found. Mark each one so you know where it belongs and always return it to that place.

Step 3 – Bring solar garden lights inside to give enough light to move around safely (put them back outside during the day to recharge).

Step 4 – Ice is valuable when disaster strikes. Fill zipper plastic bags with water and freeze. Use them to keep your freezer relatively full and to conserve electric. Reach for them when you need a cold pack for an injury; transfer them to the refrigerator to keep foods cold longer in a power outage, and use them for drinking water when they defrost. In a long outage, your hot water heater is a large water vessel – be sure it is cool before using.

Step 5 – Keep a roll of duct tape in your bathroom cupboard. Seal off the tub drain tightly and fill with water (even a tightly fitting stopper will allow some leakage). Fill water bottles and buckets when a warning comes. Fit them in the freezer and use as needed.

Step 6 – Keep your grill tank filled and keep a spare. Cook the food that defrosts in your freezer and feed yourself and others.

Step 7- Get in the habit of never letting your car gas tank go below half full. In a blackout, gas stations can’t pump gas. Your car will charge batteries, cell phones provide radio contact and heat. Keep your gas cans filled and stored outside, but near your doorway for fast access.

Step 8 – Invest in a power inverter for your car, which will turn DC current into AC current to run electrical tools and appliances. You will have a small amount of emergency electric as long as you have gas. These can range in cost from $25.00 (to power a laptop) to $100.00 to provide enough for a power tool or small appliance.

Step 9 – A battery powered radio could be your only source of weather and emergency information. Make sure everyone knows where the radio and several sets of batteries will be kept – and – that they are for emergencies only – they are off limits as spares for games or electronics when the regular stash runs out. (Change out the stored batteries every six months so the supply is fresh.)

Thank you all.

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