Professional Answering Service

Professional Answering Service serving property managers, contractors, home services, and more.

We Speak "Property Management"

Get the right message to the right person at the right time.

Beat Competitors to the Punch

Respond to leads before your rivals know what hit them.

professional answering service


We offer professional answering services to property managers, contractors, home services, and related industries.

You know recovering from a phone call and returning to the task at hand can take precious minutes – or even hours – out of your workday.

Say ‘Hello’ to Growth & Efficiency

Competition is fierce. You can’t afford to lose even one lead to a missed or ignored call. Your dilemma: time is at a premium, your employees have important work to do, and hiring additional staff is not cost-effective.

Focus Answering Service’s customized professional answering service solutions free up your resources. Our professional answering service focuses on your callers so you can focus on your business.

Call (800)886-6696 or fill out the form below to get a free quote!

Why You Should Hire An Answering Service

Professional Answering Service


Answering Service

You get the same questions over and over again. We get it. Let us handle those for you! Our extensive in-house training system makes us a seamless extension of your team.

Our professional answering service agents don’t just take messages – we give out information, too! We can fax, email, and forward any follow-up forms directly to your callers. Focus offers good listeners with friendly voices, quick and knowledgeable service, and the freedom to run your company.

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SMS Solutions

Save time and money while reaching customers using their preferred mode of communication? Using Focus’ SMS answering service, your customers can text their messages to you, utilizing your business’s existing landlines.

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Order Taking & Processing

Never miss another sale to voicemail. Whether using our company’s software or accessing your website portal, Focus provides safe, secure transactions facilitated by savvy agents with the ability to gently upsell.

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Help Desk

Callers with questions and concerns want to speak to a person – immediately. Focus Answering Service provides around-the-clock help desk answering service for multiple industries, including yours.

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Temporary Answering Services

Your phones are your lifeline to current and new business. You need help! You don’t have to be a current Focus Answering Service client to receive our help. Contact us today to learn more about our temporary answering services.

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Administrative Support Services

Administrative support services from Focus Answering Service allow time-strapped business owners to reclaim some critical man-hours while saving money and eliminating frustration in the process.

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Focus Professional Answering Service has been family owned and operated for more than three decades. Our agents have experience and unheard-of longevity. Scripting is crafted using key phrases and bullet points, so conversations never sound forced or unnatural.

All calls are answered in real time by a compassionate and knowledgeable team member, resulting in:


  • Fewer mistakes
  • Lower costs
  • Faster service
  • Better representation

Years In Business

Service Awards Received


Employees With Us Over 5 Years

The Value of the Messages We Take…Priceless



“When I first arrived at the property 18 years ago, I had to find good vendors and contractors. It’s so important because everyone plays a big part.

Everyone needs to understand that they are part of our team. If someone drops the ball, it creates a problem for all of us. Everyone from the cleaning staff to the answering service – what is important is the experience we give our residents. Every single person plays a part in that customer’s experience.

Residents will now call us and say, ‘Thank you for handling it and thank you for doing a good job’.

That is why it is so important to have a good answering service! And that is why we are so grateful to have Focus.”

Karen H.

Why Property Managers Should Use An Answering Service


Our free guide, “11 Reasons Why Property Managers Should Use An Answering Service” reveals 11 different ways an answering service has proven to be an invaluable resource for property managers across the country, complete with case studies from our own company that illustrate the “power of a person.”


Focus is the only professional answering service in Maryland to be awarded a 24/7 Gold Site Certification. That means we are operational 99.99% of the time, and always here for you.

You can count on Focus to:

  • Protect your reputation
  • Build your business
  • Treat all callers with respect
  • Challenge our agents to meet your highest standards


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